My Word For 2022 – Intentional




  1. done on purpose; deliberate.

I gave up on setting resolutions several years ago, and have since decided that using a word to be my theme for the upcoming year is a better idea and a more realistic approach to improvement.  For 2022, I have chosen the word intentional.

I have found that I have gotten in the habit of just going through the motions.  Routines are awesome, but when you have them and stick to them, it is very easy to focus on the “what” and forget about the “why”.  I don’t want to say that sometimes I feel like a robot or a zombie, but honestly, that’s sort of what’s happened.

I am in no way saying that we need to get rid of our routines, or that I plan to.  But I don’t want my routines to feel like an arbitrary to-do list.  I want to sit and ruminate on what I do each day and the reason for each and every little thing.

And on top of that, I have realized that so many things that I do, I do because they’re expected of me.  Not because I want to.  Not because I have put significant thought into them.  Eating a meal, helping my kids with their homework, being present on social media, and even, as much as I hate to admit it, saying “I love you”.

It is so easy to fall into autopilot mode.  To zone out.  To repeat the words “I love you” in response to someone who says them and not even remember what words just left your mouth.

And I’m done with it.

I want my actions and words to be intentional.  After all, they are coming from me.  It’s important that I stand behind the things that I say and do and be able to say “Yes, this is what I meant.”

But when you live a life with kids and partners and responsibilities and hobbies, doing so with intention is often easier said than done.  Things can feel monotonous and meaningless, when in reality, they are so far from that.  I want to get back to remembering the importance behind each thing in my life.

I am going to try to focus on the small things at first.

Communicating with the kids in the morning.  Instead of barking at them to do this or that, I want to focus on setting the tone for their day in the right way.  What do they need from me in this moment?  What can I do or say that will start them off on the right foot?  I know that we’re all tired, so what would *I* want if I were being parented?  A little compassion and flexibility on these dark, cold mornings.  Assistance in getting out the door.  We usually prep our days the night before, which helps, but sometimes even asking Calvin to grab his coat from the closet is a lot in the early morning.  And maybe the night before, we talk about what the next morning is going to look like for us.  What the expectations are for each of us.

My quiet time in the morning, after the kids are off to school.  Do I want to spend it scrolling on my phone with a cup of coffee or do I want to make it more meaningful?  Maybe a yoga session would help me feel better and start the day off right.  Or maybe journaling would be good because I have a lot on my mind.  Or maybe I need to pull out my Bible and spend some time with Jesus.  The choice I make is dependent on what I need on that specific day.

Fixing breakfast for myself.  Instead of grabbing a Greek yogurt and some granola because it’s easy, I want to remember WHY we eat in the first place.  Nourishment.  For the body, the mind, and the soul.  So what foods are going to accomplish that?  Is a Greek yogurt enough or do I need to put in a little more effort to give my body the fuel that it needs to get going?  Maybe eggs with some veggies would be a better choice.

Choosing an outfit for the day.  Instead of just grabbing something from my closet, I am going to ask myself a few questions.  Is it appropriate for the weather?  Is it comfortable?  Does it make me feel good?

I know that these are all relatively simple things, but they’re also things that I think many of us take for granted.  We get caught up in the practicalities of the day that we don’t sit and ask ourselves why we make the choices that we do.

So as we walk through 2022, I want to do so with my eyes wide open.  With my brain turned on.  Being present and purposeful and making intentional choices.  And to stand behind those choices, unapologetically.  I deserve that.  The people around me deserve that.

How are you approaching the new year?  Are you setting resolutions and goals?  Or are you choosing a word, like I am?